Office photography - refurbishment work in progress

October 05, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Mantle Business Centres asked for some work-in-progress images of a new office property they have taken on at 9 Hills Road, Cambridge. ⁠

These images are really helpful in conveying just how much work goes on behind the scenes to refurbish offices to modern standards. ⁠They also wanted a clean looking image for this office exterior - which isn't easy given the fact it's been in situ for decades and is in the middle of being completely gutted. We planned for some direct light to fall on this elevation and luckily the clouds moved into a pleasing position for us. ⁠Including the bike shed in the foreground helps give the message that cycling to work is an option (a great option in my opinion 🚲), but it also disguised the office next door which isn't part of the project. ⁠

Inside, we wanted to demonstrate what work was going on, preferably with the scale and movement of people there working on it. The result is a series of photos which demonstrate the complexity of an office fit out as well as the skills Mantle poss
ess to help bring such projects to completion.

Do you have a photography need? Feel free to get in touch to discuss it using  the contact form on my website.

#exterior #9hillsroad #design #cambridge #architecturalphotographer #cambridgephotographer#architecture #office #inspiration #refurbishmentideas #mantlebusinesscentres #workinprogress #wip #eastanglia 'uk #officescambridge #photography #realestate #property #offices


"architectural photographer in Cambridge" "UK architectural photographer" "interior photographer" "UK interior photographer based in Cambridge" "Cambridge photographer" "Richard Fraser" Architectural photographer in Cambridge for Mantle Business Centres Richard Fraser is a commercial photographer who specialises in architectural photography and interior photography in Cambridge, UK. "architectural photographer in Cambridge" "UK architectural photographer" "interior photographer" "UK interior photographer based in Cambridge" "Cambridge photographer" "Richard Fraser" Architectural photographer in Cambridge for Mantle Business Centres Richard Fraser is a commercial photographer who specialises in architectural photography and interior photography in Cambridge, UK. "architectural photographer in Cambridge" "UK architectural photographer" "interior photographer" "UK interior photographer based in Cambridge" "Cambridge photographer" "Richard Fraser" Architectural photographer in Cambridge for Mantle Business Centres Richard Fraser is a commercial photographer who specialises in architectural photography and interior photography in Cambridge, UK. "architectural photographer in Cambridge" "UK architectural photographer" "interior photographer" "UK interior photographer based in Cambridge" "Cambridge photographer" "Richard Fraser" Architectural photographer in Cambridge for Mantle Business Centres Richard Fraser is a commercial photographer who specialises in architectural photography and interior photography in Cambridge, UK. "architectural photographer in Cambridge" "UK architectural photographer" "interior photographer" "UK interior photographer based in Cambridge" "Cambridge photographer" "Richard Fraser" Architectural photographer in Cambridge for Mantle Business Centres Richard Fraser is a commercial photographer who specialises in architectural photography and interior photography in Cambridge, UK.


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